*holds breath* The Peru post you’ve all been waiting for

As we’ve already mentioned, we are in Uruguay at the moment. There was again some time where we didn’t have time to post, but here in Uruguay we were in a village without electricity and Internet. Now we are in Montevideo again and have some time to write.

There is one thing everyone associates with Peru and this is what this post is about.

We’re taking you with us to Machu Picchu! And even more, but we’ll get to that in a little bit.

The Road to death, or: Near Abyss number one

There are 2 possibilities to get to Machu Picchu (or three, if you count a guided tour).

  1. With the train – You can take a train from Cusco to Machu Picchu. That will cost you 100 Euro per person. It’s the most comfortable and most expensive way to get there.
  2. With the bus to Hydroelectrica, then walk along the tracks to Machu Picchu Pueblo.

We decided for the second option. 100 Euros for a train ticket was just too much.

Then it started, we were being picked up by a small bus. We’ve never had a bus drive like this. The driver was insane. The way was right next to Abyss, and instead of driving a little more on the right side, he rode so far left that the tire was a little bit over the edge. I thought this is it. It’s all over. The pictures do not really capture the near-death experience, but at least you get a glimpse.

5 unbelievably nerve-wrecking hours later we were finally at Hydroelectrica. Not a city, but a little power plant at which there is a train station. After getting out we got something to eat (helpful tipp, should you ever go there – don’t go to the first restaurant you see, there are many more and cheaper ones along the way)

After about three hours and 10km we arrived at Machu Picchu Pueblo.

Let’s go to Machu Picchu!

On the next day it finally began, we were taking the bus to Machu Picchu. The Queue was unbelievable in the morning at 6:15 am. When we got to the top we had to almost run through Machu Picchu, because we had something bigger in mind.

You see the mountain in the back? The mountain on each Machu Picchu picture. Here one of our Machu Picchu pictures in advance, so you can see it.

We are not talking about the small one. No we want to go on the big one.

Let’s go to Wayna Picchu! Or next to Abyss number two.

When you want to climb Wayna Picchu you better know that in advance, since the mountain is booked out about a month earlier. Only 400 People a day are allowed to climb it and that’s why the spaces are gone so quickly. We had more luck than anything else, because we remembered 1 1/2 weeks before Peru, that we still had to book this. So we checked the site and in COMPLETE April and May there were only two spaces left. So we took those.

So up we go. In Germany it would never be allowed to climb this mountain. Old steps from the time of the Inkas, no handrail and a deep abyss of 300-400m.

God it was exhausting.

But we made it, unfortunately the view wasn’t so great, because it was very misty. This doesn’t change the fact that it was the BOMB.

The way back was also very strenuous. So steep.

Then we visited the ruins and made the standard Machu Picchu pictures.


On the next day we went back to Cusco, again walking along the tracks.

Little tidbit of the driver: He was just as bad at driving on the way back, until he wanted to pass another bus. While he was trying to pass, another bus came right at him so he had to brake and get behind the other bus again. The bus that came at us was cutting him off then, and forced him to stop. Window to window the bus driver was yelling at our driver and throwing a handkerchief in his face. After that he was able to drive like a normal person. 😀

One more post of Peru to go and then we will take you to Uruguay, which is really a insider tip!

Talk to you guys soon!

3 Replies to “*holds breath* The Peru post you’ve all been waiting for”

  1. Ola Jessy und Bjorn,

    das sieht ja geil aus, ihr habt richtig spaß bei der tour! Ich hoffe das geht weiter so rund bei euch
    und ihr habt viel zu erzählen wenn ih wieder in MR seit.

    Gruß und alles gute weiterhin, lese euch auch fleißig weiter, 🙂

  2. Hey Jessy, die Bilder sind der knaller. Ich wünsche euch weiterhin ganz viel Spaß und gebt auf euch acht.

  3. Hallo meine Weltenbummler
    Gott sei Dank habt ihr wieder die Füße auf festem Boden 🙂
    Es ist unglaublich was ihr alles erlebt, trotzdem rutscht mir manchmal das
    Herz in die Hose, euch in solch gefährlichen Höhen zu sehen.
    Aber die Natur und eure Bilder Erzählungen einfach der Hammer.
    Ich drück euch ganz fest und vermisse euch doch sehr.
    Aber ich bin froh für euch das ihr das alles erleben dürft und wir es mit erleben dürfen.
    Die Spirits sind mit euch und die Schutzengel auch.
    I Love you take good care of yourselfs

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