Hola, ¿cómo estás?

I am currently lying in a hammock, in the middle of some palm trees. That’s the life. It is day 3 of our world travel.

Okay, that isn’t me, but close enough.

But let’s start from the beginning. Three days ago it all started, we were at the airport with many of our friends and family. Our feelings went on a rollercoaster ride, but the nice feeling won, because there were so many people wanting to say goodbye there.

11 1/2 hours of extremely long flight and we finally landed in Cancun.

After some starting problems (e.g. that Björn left me in front of the airport with our 35kg’s worth of Rucksacks and our hand luggage, while he was searching for an ATM. Then not being able to get back inside the way he came and standing on the other side of me in front of a fence with no other way back to me. Having this awesome Idea that I should just come over there with all the luggage. Thank god some lady translated for him so he was allowed back in…) we finally got to our cute little hostel with a taxi, which even had a hostelcat (yay!)

It didn’t take long until we found some nice people and even traded a number.

Even though we were jetlagged we stayed awake until 10pm, which is about 5 am at home.

On the next day we of course had to take a look at the pure white beaches. 10km and a Iguana later we were already there.

With the bus we were driving back to the hostel and chilled on the bed a little at 5 pm. A little later at 7am we woke again. Woops, there is the jetlag.

Today we went to Tulum, which is only a 2 1/2 hour bus ride away from Cancun.

Here we are at an awesome hostel, where you can sleep between the palms in huge concrete tubes. Tomorrow we will move into a tent in the same place, as it is 15 Euros cheaper.

Instead of eating at a fairly expensive Restaurant, we decided for a streetfood truck in a native settlement.

We had Tacos and Gringos, really yummy 🙂

All in all I’d say it’s an awesome start for our world travel. We look forward to the Mayan Ruins, for which Tulum is famous.

So stay tuned!

¡Hasta luego!

8 Replies to “Hola, ¿cómo estás?”

  1. Hammer!

    Ich find‘s klasse und den Bericht sehr schön geschrieben. Ich freue mich auf mehr und wünsche eine Superzeit!

    LG aus Hessen

    1. Hi Michael,

      vielen Dank 🙂 Freut mich dass er dir gefallen hat. Viele Grüße in die DB 😉 Ich trink einen Tequila für dich mit 😀

  2. Super sieht es aus. Toll das ihr gut angekommen seit. 🙂
    Lass die Meerschweinchen am leben Jessy -Ach das kommt ja noch in Peru- Hahaha

    Liebe Grüße

    Ibo _the Boss_ & Melek

    1. Wenn es in Peru in 2 Wochen eine Meerschweinchenarmut gibt, weißt du warum 😀
      Liebe Grüße auch von uns an euch Beide ! <3

  3. Ganz toll Maus, ich freu mich so für euch 🙂
    Oma fragt auch immer nach euch und ob ich was von euch gehört habe.
    Ich werde Sie bald mal zu uns heim holen und ihr eure Einträge zeigen.
    Habt weiterhin viel Spaß, ich freu mich auf mehr.
    I send my Love to you, take good care of yoursels.
    Ihr habt es verdient zu 100% XOXO

    1. Wenn sie da ist können wir ja auch Skypen 🙂
      Take ihr auch care auf yourselves!

      Love you XOXO

  4. Yeah!!!!! Das sieht soooo leggger aus! Mhm Mhm Mhm 😘😍🥞🥞 El bannano amigos! Enjoy and keep the Hut an, gell? Was nützt das Tuch auf dem Kopf, wenn das Gesicht verbrennt?😋 seit ihr jetzt YouTuber? Weil ihr im Tube wohnt? So funny 😂😉 xxxooo

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